
Working Smarter, Economic Theory, Nootropic Coffee, Not Dying, etc.

 13 Apr 2019

Working Smarter, Economic Theory, Nootropic Coffee, Not Dying, etc.

Work Less, Get More Done

Great read on actual ways to streamline productivity so as to avoid cognitive overload, work-related exhaustion, and diminishing returns.

The Grand Unified Theory On The Economics Of Free

Useful article for creatives to revisit, since creativity in and of itself is a continuous process and has a massive compounding effect over time; which can be translated into N-Tier revenue streams if done correctly!

Coffee Additions That Contain Nootropics

Intriguing mix of coffee + nootropics. I'm particularly interested in the brand that infuses Lion's Mane mushrooms into their coffee.

Periodic Table of Office 365

"Easily explain Office 365 to anybody. Quickly understand what Office 365 is, which apps are included, how those apps relate, and what each app does."

Migrating 23TB from S3 to B2 in just 7 Hours

Fascinating writeup from the folks over at Nodecraft on how they planned and executed such a gargantuan data migration; inclusive of the wetware brokering between network providers and the like. Throttling wget(1) shows both wisdom and restraint.

How Not to Die

TL;DR "When the disaster strikes, just say to yourself, ok, this was what Paul was talking about. What did he say to do? Oh, yeah. Don't give up."

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