
 14 Jun 2023

Write a SocialGraph Class

Taken from Execute Program

Write a SocialGraph class with a constructor and two methods.

  • The constructor creates an empty Map.
  • The addFollow method records that user1 follows user2 by updating the map. Note that order matters here
  • The follows method checks for whether user1 follows user2, returning a boolean.


This is the answer I came up with:

interface SocialGraph {
  map: Map<string, string[]>

class SocialGraph {
  constructor() {
    this.map = new Map()

  addFollow(user1: string, user2: string) {
    // If user2 isn't present, create a user2 key in the map
    if (!this.map.has(user2)) {
      this.map.set(user2, [])
    // Get the array of users of user1, and add user1

  follows(user1: string, user2: string) {
    // If user2 doesn't exist, return false
    if (!this.map.has(user2)) { return false }
    // Otherwise get the array of users of user2, and check if it includes user1
    return this.map.get(user2).includes(user1)


Solution tested in REPL:


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Paramdeo Singh Guyana

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